1·The design idea of main unit techniques in this system, and some applied techniques are described in detail.
2·The newly invented and applied techniques and equipments for deep mining at abroad are introduced briefly in the article.
3·The status for acoustic variable density log in Daqing Oilfield is introduced including applied techniques and logging tool levels.
4·This article described some applied techniques of the carbon fiber microelectrode in biology and medicine electricity chemistry and electricity analysis chemistry.
5·The article deals with the applied techniques of hot mix plant recycled mixture from aspects such as the recycled material sources, proportioning and mixing of the mixture.
6·Information hiding is an interlaced subject, which is built on the basis of mathematics, modern cryptography, information processing theory, and computer applied techniques.
7·The course aims at teaching students to learn the principle and application of DBMS, master applied techniques, develop and maintain database application systems in preparation for future work.
8·First of all, you'll need to know the techniques Rembrandt used when he applied paint to canvas—his brushstrokes, how thickly he applied his paint.
9·These techniques are not described in RUP, but they can be applied without problems in RUP test projects.
10·Techniques can be applied to compress certain formats.